About Me

Monday, September 15, 2008

Lumpy Potatoes

I know, I know that I am behind by a couple of days, not because anything really happened but because I have been lazy. So I ended with Friday night, not much had really been happening, but I did get to talk to my dear friend Erin, Sallee, and Mom- I stayed up until 2am talking with them, but since I didn’t have any plans for the next day I didn’t feel too guilty about it.

I was really lazy Saturday morning, I set my alarm for 9ish but didn’t wake up until sometime around 10, as soon as I got up I went to the kitchen and laid down on the couch and just watched TV for a couple of hours. When I decided that I was done being lazy and that I would go take a shower I went back to my room, I found that Natalie had written me a message wondering if I was interested in going swimming and making dumplings later with her and the Chu family (did she really have to ask?). Sadly it wasn’t until nearly 3pm that we got back in hold with each other, they weren’t sure yet if the swimming pool was open and so they were going to call me and then get back to me. We found out that it wasn’t open, as they had closed everything because of the typhoon that was supposed to be hitting (which as of then had not yet happened), we were all sad.

I guess though that the girls decided to go on a bike ride and Bro. Chu went with them and took them swimming at the river (funny though, when they talked about going Sister Chu was like “no, there is a typhoon it could be dangerous” and so Bro. Chu was like ok and took them on a bike ride, pretty soon Natalie and Grace realized that they were headed towards the river. When they got there Bro. Chu just jumped into the river with his clothes on, the girls followed suit. Because it was pouring rain they were completely soaked by the time they got home and so Sister Chu doesn’t know that they went.).

When they got back from their bike ride Natalie and Sister Chu came and picked me up, I grabbed some stuff while Natalie grabbed some dry clothes. We headed back to the Chu’s house, they live very near at housing owned by the University, they live on the 11th floor- I don’t think that I can even begin to comprehend living that high up in an apartment building. As soon as I got there I was put straight to work chopping up cabbage (and I mean a lot of cabbage—probably two heads), I got to use some of my mad chopping skills (:D), they were all impressed with my chopping, though I don’t think that they are that impressive compared to what I see on the food network. Though because I was chopping so much my hand has been kind of hurting for the past few days, that hasn’t been too fun, especially when I have been trying to open things or prepare dinner last night. It took us a couple of hours to prepare it all and then we got to eat some of what we made, and let me tell you it was delicious! Natalie and Grace had rented a couple of movies the night before so when we were done with dinner we decided to watch a movie, we watched the 5th Harry Potter, I thought that the movie was very well done, though I was a little sad to see how much they left out. When we were done with the movie they were talking about watching another movie, it was already late and I didn’t really feel like staying the night there. I felt bad about asking but luckily Sister Chu was still awake and was willing to take me home.

We were all kind of a little frustrated as there had been no typhoon that had hit by this time and all of the activities that we had been looking forward to had been cancelled (especially the Chu family they were planning on going to Taipei on Sunday for the Moon Festival to visit all of their family), Sister Chu and I talked a little bit about that on the way back to the apartment. I did actually go to bed pretty early, not staying up too much later after when I got home. I woke up several times during the night, the typhoon had started- it wasn’t too bad though, just lots of rain and wind. But when I did wake up in the morning for church it sounded pretty bad and because I am not used to this kind of experience I thought that church would be cancelled and so I went back to sleep, not waking up for several more hours. I found out later when Natalie came home that it had not been cancelled, she asked how to wake me up in the mornings- I told her that it is pretty hard and good luck.

After I woke up I took a quick shower, talked to Natalie for a little bit, had a lunch and then went to work on my evaluations and lesson plans. Generally on Sunday afternoons I start on my journal first and then start working on my lesson plans and evaluations which normally leaves me at the end of the day with not everything done and then turning things late into Yuling (which I don’t feel good about). So I was happy with myself that I had everything done earlier (which is partially why I didn’t write anything last night). At about 4:30pm I went into the kitchen to start preparing dinner, I had decided to make mashed potatoes for dinner, when I had bought the potatoes I thought that the Sister Missionaries were going to be joining us for dinner, so when it was only 3 of us 8 potatoes was a little too many. I still decided to make them all into mashed potatoes because I would be more likely to eat it as mashed potatoes rather than as baked potatoes. Natalie and Amy helped cook up the chicken nuggets and vegetable mix that we were also going to have for dinner.

We hadn’t been eating for very long when I looked up and outside on the porch and thought that I saw a shadow moving towards us but I wasn’t sure, I guess that I gasped or something because I scared Natalie too, I was right, it was a shadow moving towards us- the Sister Missionaries. They were just coming from their dinner appointment (they had felt bad because they had, had to cancel on us because an investigator or something had invited them to dinner) and they had decided to come and visit us. We offered them some food, Sister Wood can always keep eating and so she had no problem eating food. We asked them if they had, had dessert (they hadn’t, but I have a feeling that Sister Wood would still have accepted even if they had), we invited them to join us for ice cream sundaes, poor Sister Hill can’t eat dairy (she is like we thought that I might be- can’t eat the liquid forms of dairy- milk, ice cream, yogurt) and she is vegetarian, so while we were all chowing down she was eating some of my delicious mashed potatoes (or at least everyone said they were good- I didn’t have a good tool to mash the potatoes so they were a little clumpy). When we were done with dinner Natalie and Sister Hill washed the dishes while Sister Wood and Amy talked about some gospel stuff.

When we were done the Sisters had to leave as they needed to go to an appointment. It was very long until they came back upstairs, I guess they had left their bikes outside the gate and had forgotten to put their locks on; anyway both of their bikes were gone. We felt really bad because they had been stolen from our place. They both have these really nice boxes on the back of their bikes and in them they had the book with all of their investigators numbers and they had just gotten their mail- like 5 envelopes each (they only get their mail when the mission president comes down to Hualien), they didn’t even know who the mail was from. In kind of a funny way though right as they were going downstairs the 1st time Sister Hill told us that we need to start making a list of our blessings, I say they have one to count, yeah they lost their bikes but at least they had their cell phone and their cameras with them upstairs. We told them that they should call someone to drive them home (they had to call and cancel their appointment), but they said that they still had an hour till they had to be home so they decided to walk home.

We did end up having a solution for them (thank goodness as they have to buy their original bikes and that would really suck if they had to buy new ones), Luke and Kaylene (if you don’t remember who they were they were the couple that was also interning here) also had one of their bikes stolen and so they had borrowed two bikes from missionaries that were going home. They were still hanging around at the preschool and we had asked the missionaries about them a couple of weeks ago but they hadn’t any clue about them. Well now they are coming to good use, the Sisters came and got them today (I am glad, I would have felt really, really bad if they both had to buy new bikes).

*Sorry Nate and Sallee, this does mean though that the bikes that I was going to have for you to use are no longer available, you will still have to rent bikes when you come.

I know that I haven’t yet covered today, but it is already 11:30 and I am very tired. I will write about today, tomorrow.

I love you all and hope that you have a great Monday!!


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