I cannot believe how quickly time is passing, I just realized that last week if my brother had not been getting married next month that I would be leaving in less than two weeks. At first I was a bit disappointed to be going a month later, but as time as come faster and closer I have become very thankful that Nate is getting married. Though I am still very much excited to be going, I have realized that I still have much to do before going and that I have not been very good at getting it done. Though I have finally started getting on top of things. This past week I ordered my tickets...$1232!!!! This was done a bit differently, I am used to most airlines only doing your tickets through e-mail, but Orbitz actually sen

t them, they arrived a couple of days after buying them. It makes me a bit nervous as they are very expensive pieces of paper, and I don't want to lose them. Oh well at least I am trying to be organized and have a whole binder of everything about my trip in it and have placed the tickets in their big envelope inside the

binder. I will be flying from Portland to LA where I will have a lovely 12-hour layover!!! Where I will then proceed from LA to Taipei.. I had hoped to have a seat much like this one on the right, it comes with your own personal touch screen/tv and it has a nice comfy chair that turns into a bed with the touch of the button (as seen in the picture) and it was not all close to others seats, but sadly this beautiful sight belongs in 1st class and I do n

ot have the funds to afford that, so I will continue to dream from afar, in my own comfort (cough, cough :D) of economy class, comfortably seated closely next to my neighbors.

Another exciting piece of news, I finally stopped procrastinating and sent off my visa application and so will hopefully have my visa within the next week to week-in-a-half. I know that I am cutting things very close, but I am hoping that 6 weeks will not be too close ;D!
And once again another piece of exciting news, a piece that I find much more exciting than me sending off my visa application....I have bought a new laptop and it should arrive tomorrow!!! It is a dell and is pink :D, Kyle says that the processor is faster than his (which I am going to assume is a good thing) I am quite excited about it and will be sure to write a post tomorrow night when I get off work with lots and lots of pictures of me with my new laptop (ok I suppose that nobody else will care but me, but I don't care :D). And the other exciting thing, after much searching and changing of my mind I have found my dress for my brothers wedding, I think that it is beautiful and absolutely LOVE IT!!

Here is the websites (Chadwick's Clothing) picture, I will try and post some of me in it when I actually receive it, right now it is on backorder and will not be sent until the 27th of June (which I cannot believe how quickly that is coming). I can't believe that it is less than 6 weeks until my last day of work, Nate's and Sallee's wedding, and when I leave for Taiwan!! I will keep you posted on the next 6 weeks and beyond!! Signing off for now, this is *Betherd*
an alternative title: "In time, I'll be flying"