I can't believe that I have already been back from my trip for a week. It was so much fun and even though it was a quick one it was jammed full and I had so much fun and it actually seemed like a much longer trip than a week and half. Thursday night when I flew into Utah Libbey picked me up at the airport and I stayed the night with the Chuy's, Libbey had to work early the next day so I didn't get to spend as much time with the Chuy's as I would have liked to. Friday morning on his way to work Erick dropped me off at the TRAX and I rode down to Provo to Dallas Roberts, Brea's school. I dropped my stuff off in her car and then rode around for a little bit. While Brea finished her day of school I hung out and read my book.
It was so much fun to spend time with Brea and Darrell and I was grateful for them for letting me stay the weekend with them.
Saturday night after Brea was done with school, she, Darrell and I went over to Kyle's apartment where we went swimming for awhile at Kyle's pool. Brea and I had brought all the stuff for dinner and after we were done swimming we walked back to Kyle's place where we started to prep dinner. Kyle wanted to add some vegetables from his garden and to show it off so we walked over while the rice was boiling.

His garden sure had grown a lot since last time when I was there a couple of months before.

Kyle's roommate showed up, so while we waited for him of course we had to have a quick photoshoot with Brea and Darrell. :D

Kyle needed a bit of a hair-cut, but he was liking it because when he put gel in his hair he looked "awesomly-cool" with curly hair.

Darrell and Kyle picking squash from the garden, the sqaush plant was taking up the whole front of the garden, where there used to be paths there were no longer.

The squash that was picked...we ate some and Kyle kept some and Darrell and Brea took some home to eat later.

Saturday afternoon we went up to Salt Lake to a dress sale at Sallee's work, on the way home we stopped to have lunch...it was super yummy, except Brea's burger that was not all the way cooked and the server who didn't seem to care when she told him---BOO Bad Servers! :(

Darrell was either being silly or distracted by the game on the TV whenever we took a picture :D

The best part of the day had to be when Brea broke her window, she opened it and then it got stuck at the gas station (it had been raining earlier in the day so we were a little bit concerned about having it open). Rather then Brea get out of the car when Darrell was trying to fix it she moved over and Darrell climbed in, so we had all 3 of us in the front seat with both doors closed :D

I had so much with Brea and Darrell those couple of days, I am so happy that they let me come and stay with them. I can't believe all that we were able to squish into only a few days.