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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Old McDonald Had a Farm

Saturday we decided that we need not sit around all day until I went to work that we had time to do something, so we talked through all the options of what we could do. Sonia had mentioned that at Thanksgiving Point they have something called Farm Country where you could go and see animals and lots of other fun stuff. We thought that sounded like a great adventure and headed out.

There were so many different animals to see and pet (many of which Claire knew the sound they made)

I never knew that there were so many different types of turkeys and that some of them walk around like they are very regal and puffed up (one even made this noise as it would puff up).

We wanted to pet the horsies very much but had to be very careful of little fingers.

We bought some feed and all got a chance to feed the chickens. Claire was really good at it (you can see the popcorn flying through the air).

The baby colt...so cute and wanted to play!

Nathan and Claire in jail...oh no! After we walked away I guess Claire laid down and wanted to take a nap, apparently she wasn't against being in jail.

Grandma and Claire walking by the duck pond. (they were very noisy!)

Enjoying the limited shade while waiting for the horse ride.

The horse ride was so nice and soothing, we went on cement and the hoofs on the road had a nice lulling sound that could have quite easily put all of us asleep (the driver said that she has done that before--not while at work! but when she was driving with a group she tied the horses up and let them follow the wagon in front of her while she took a nap).

Cute Miss C and Sallee for one last photo shoot before we went home for naps all around.

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