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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fred, The Clown

Today in class we got to write stories about my friend, Fred the Clown and I thought that kids did pretty good (with only a little bit of suggestions from me). The 4 year olds and 5 year olds wrote a story and then the 3 year olds got to hear their stories. I was quite impressed with their stories and how cute they ended up being. (It starts out with the lists that they made about Fred and then their story along with their title)

4 year olds story:
  • Clown
  • Rainbow hair
  • Two colored eyes-pink and purple
  • Happy
Fred, The Happy Clown
Fred is happy today, he is happy because he got to juggle.
He was juggling red, yellow, green, and blue balls.
Fred is a clown because he likes to work with kids and he is always very happy.
One day Fred decided to be very silly and color his hair with all of his markers.
That same day that Fred was being very silly he decided to color his eyes, his eyebrows, his nose, and his lips.
We are happy that we got to meet Fred, the happy clown.

5 year olds story:
  • No hat
  • Juggles
  • Clown
  • Blows up balloons
  • Can do magic
  • Happy
  • Rainbow hair
Fred Clown's Story
Fred is a clown because he likes to make people happy.
Fred is happy, he is happy because he got to stand on top of a ball juggling and his pants fell down. (They thought that this was the most funniest line that they made up)
Fred was blowing up a blue balloon, shaped like a elephant when it POPPED! Fred screamed and fell down!
Fred is now sad, because he fell down and lost his favorite magic rainbow hat and it's all dirty. (I know he really couldn't have lost it and know that it was dirty but I thought that they were doing really good)
While looking for his lost hat, Fred fell into a rainbow and changed his hair rainbow colors.
And the end!

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