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Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Day at the Circus

Earlier this week I did a fill-in-the-blank story with the kids, I thought that some of them turned out kind of funny/silly and wanted to share them with you. The story was called A Day at the Circus.

3 years old (I took the lists from the 4 and 5 year olds classes and just had them pick one from each thing rather than try and have them come up with actual words).

The circus was in town again, and my family and I were excited. It was a windy winter day for a happy family outing, as we piled into the airplane and headed for the Big Top. When we arrived, I went straight for the funny mirrors-- they made my eyes look wildly skinny! How crazy is that? After that, my brother and I swam on the ferris wheel. But the highlight was the animal show. We met a talking monkey and a flying elephant who were playing duck, duck, goose. The winning animal had to participate in a pizza-eating contest with a member of the audience, and out of the crowd of googooplex, I got picked! You'll never guess who won-- but lets just say I won't be eating pizza anytime real soon.

4 year olds:

The circus was in town again, and my family and I were excited. It was a sunny summer day for a exciting family outing, as we piled into the airplane and headed for the Big Top. When we arrived, I went straight for the funny mirrors-- they made my eyes look wildly skinny! How crazy is that? After that, my brother and I skipped on the ferris wheel. But the highligh was the animal show. We met a talking monkey and a flying elephant who were playing duck, duck, goose. The winning animal had to participate in a stinky-tofu eating contest with a member of the audience, and out of the crowd of 100, I got picked! You'll never guess who won-- but lets just say I won't be eating stinky tofu anytime real soon.

5 year olds:

The circus was in town again, and my family and I were excited. It was a windy winter day for a happy family outing, as we piled into the airplane and headed for the Big Top. When we arrived, I went straight for the funny mirrors-- they made my hands look wildly skinny! How crazy is that? After that, my brother and I swam on the ferris wheel. But the highligh was the animal show. We met a talking horse and a flying cat who were playing dodgeball. The winning animal had to participate in a pizza eating contest with a member of the audience, and out of the crowd of googooplex, I got picked! You'll never guess who won--but lets just say I won't be eating pizza anytime real soon.


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