About Me

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Reunion of Friends

I love my freshman ward! I have kept the most friendships from there and continually talk with those that were in that ward---whether it be via facebook, e-mail, letters, in person, or on the phone. I am extremely grateful for the awesome people and bishopric from that ward. In the middle of September we had reunion at my bishops house (he actually has completed his 3 years of being bishop and was released so it was a mega reunion with all 3 wards crowded in), it was so much fun to see the guys that have been returning from their missions these last few months.

It's not very often that we get all of my roommates together and we were still missing Erika, but we had to at least take a picture of all of us together.

We had to add our adopted roommate Erin...she spent many a night on our couch or in someone's bed.

Allisyn made her public appearance and was a big hit with everyone!

Cody and Josh entertained us with their dancing and singing from freshman year (it was so funny, I was standing by some people from one of the other wards and they kept saying "what the heck is going on?" I explained to them that they had, had a group called Mustache Anonymous our freshman year and wrote several songs, etc.)

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