Saturday, February 27, 2010
Face of Wax
Walking= More Fun
Birthday Delights!
Sliding Doors

I seemed to just invite people to watch me yesterday (see HERE), there was the TP episode and then there was the time that I walked into the closing door :D I was talking to Andrea and was trying to walk through the doors, they were closing but I assumed that they would start to open when I walk towards it, yeah well I was wrong it didn't sense me there or something and kept on closing--with me in the door!! It kind of squished me :D There was a couple that was walking through some other doors, some people standing at starbucks and some other people standing right inside the door and they all saw it! The couple didn't know what to do, they just kind of stared at me but the others started to laugh. I started to laugh too, I'm such a dork--only I would walk into a closing door.

But again luckily that story didn't happen, I was just about to open the bathroom stall when I noticed that floor was littered with toilet paper (for the sake of my ewww factor we are going to pretend that it was unused toilet paper) and that one piece was stuck to the bottom of my shoe. It took me a bit to get it off, but get it off I did and my embarrassment for the day was kept to a minimum!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Our train was supposed to leave at 1pm and we had arranged that if Yuling was available they would pick us up and take us to the train station. She wasn't 100% certain if she would be available so I wanted to be ready to leave earlier in case we needed to. I woke up around 8 and took a shower and did some cleaning of my room and finalized my packing. At 10 was my family phone call that we have every week, it was fun to be able to get on and not have to rush to class after 30 minutes, I ended up staying on for almost 2 hours and was able to talk to 3 of my brothers.
To be sure that we would have enough time to walk if we needed to I called Yuling's house at about 11:15, their cleaner/helper answered the phone and said that they would be able to take us, Joseph (Yuling's husband) would come around 12:30 to get us and if we hadn't seen him by 13:35 to call. Since I wasn't concerned about time I was able to talk some more with my family. I finished my phone call and asked Andrea if she wanted to try calling her family, by the time we were able to get her family on skype and get it all figured out she was only able to talk for 5 minutes but I think that she appreciated being able to hear their voices.
12:30 came and we still hadn't seen Joseph, I tried calling there house but the phone was busy, I tried calling the cell phones- one was turned off and the other no one answered. I was starting to get really frustrated and anxious, I knew that there was no way that we would make it if we had to walk. I kept trying to call the house and finally at about 20 till I got through, I was told that Joseph had been on the phone with his Mom and had lost track of time but that he was on his way now. We were outside waiting for him when he pulled up, he apologized and explained that he had been on the phone, he then proceeded to rush to the train, he was going really fast honking at people and zooming around them. It was quite entertaining to watch as just on Friday night Yuling was telling us how Joseph is not a angry driver, he always lets people go before him and takes his time while driving.
We got there and we still had about 10 minutes before our train was supposed to leave but they were already lining up and getting on, so we quickly got into line and found our seat on the train. Andrea and I talked for probably the first hour or so, it was really nice to just have some sit down time and to talk with each other, the last several weeks we have had some tension building between us, I am not very good at expressing things because I don't want to hurt the other person or to make things awkward between us, but I guess I'm not very good at hiding my feelings even though I wasn't expressing them, so we were able to talk about it and other stuff and just make things a lot better and smoother.
After talking we both fell asleep for awhile until right before we pulled into Taipei. We got off the train and headed towards the other part of the Main Station where the MRT (Taipei Metro System or underground trains)) was, we first need to purchase our MRT cards (electronic cards where you put money on them and just scan to pay for your ride), I needed to pull money out of the ATM before I could get my card but I couldn't get the ATM to work finally I tried doing something different and I was able to get it to work.
I had written down the instructions on how to get to the hostel, they were a little confusing but we were able to figure it out and got there safely and with no real problems. We came to the door and buzzed up that we were there. We went to the 8th floor where the hostel was and walked in, I had made the reservation in my name so I was asked to fill out a little sheet with some information about myself, 1st problem…I didn't have my passport with me ("where did you come from?" oh we are working down in Hualien…oh ok--I think that I freaked her out for a 2nd saying that I didn't have my passport with me), it was ok I could just put my e-mail instead.
I finished filling out the paper and paid her, she said let me show you your room, She walked to this room that 2 sets of bunk beds, and told us that we would be using the top and bottom of that bunk. And then she said the worse words that I could hear "and this is your roommate…Paul" my first thoughts going through my head…please let Paul be a girl who had real mean parents. That thought was quickly dashed as Paul (very much male) got off his bed to say hi. I felt bad but I quickly asked "umm…do you have anything without…boys?" She told us that she was full but that the other dorm room had been reserved by two people and they had reserved the whole room, they were supposed to have already been there, she normally gives them an hour to call but that we could wait and see if they came if not we could have the room.
We both sat down on the couch, probably both silently praying for a solution, something that would not be against our morals and what we believe. After we had been sitting for a few minutes she said "you know Beth I do have one room that is available, why don't you come and look at it" she showed us a very small room with one double bed, we would have to share the bed, we didn't care we both very quickly said "we'll take it!"----Isn't it funny though? When I had first been looking at hostel's this room had been available but then when I went back to reserve like 20 minutes later it wasn't available and now it was again! (but we weren't going to complain, we weren't having to share a room with a guy possibly even two!)
Man after that story the rest of our week is going to look pretty tame :D The rest of the evening we went out and had dinner at the Taipei Main Station, a yummy Indian pita place and then went to watch a movie at the Breeze Center, we watched Valentines Day, we were lucky that it ended up not being R (they didn't have any ratings anywhere so we went in with faith that it wouldn't be rated R or be really bad), it had a lot of big name people and had a cute story line but there were several parts that I could have done without.
After the movie we quickly ran back to the MRT (we weren't sure what time it shut down) to get back to the hostel, we stopped at Family Life to pick up some snacks and something to eat for breakfast and then went home. We played cards on our bed for an hour or so and then went to bed.
Not bad for our first day!
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AB Taipei Trip: The Hostel |
Stomach Satisfaction
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AB Taipei Trip: Food |
Beach Fun
We went to Yuling's house and Teacher Stephanie left us to go home to get her family. We had to wait for everyone else to finish getting ready and then we were off. The whole way there (about 30 minutes) all we heard from Allie (Yuling's niece) was about Jolin, Allie was so excited to see her, she had even brought a plastic doll and pen in hopes of getting Jolin to sign it for her. We finally got there and man was the place packed, we were pretty close to the beach so it was a little bit cooler, luckily Yuling had told us that it would be cold so we had both worn a sweatshirt and jacket.
Yuling showed us where our meeting place would be, so that we could go look around by ourselves if we wanted and not have to worry about getting lost. We walked around with everyone looking at the different food and game booths, Yuling and her family quickly began buying food--that is one thing that I find funny about watching Taiwanese people at night markets or just eating in general, they can eat and eat and eat and then eat some more. I could be full after the first thing that I eat but they would have to try 3 or 4 other things before they even begin to slow down (my brother-in-law Erick would fit right in :D). Andrea and I split a couple of things but the smell of really strong Stinky Tofu kind of turned us away from food for a little while.
We went back to where we were supposed to meet up and listened to a couple of singers, it was so much fun just dancing, laughing, screaming and feeling like a teenager (I have only been to one concert in my life and this was an outside one with hundreds of people it was so cool and different). We got several looks but we didn't really care, we were having fun! After that Andrea, Allie and I headed back towards the food booths to try and find some food that didn't smell for us. We walked past a cotton candy stand and Allie informed me that she had never had cotton candy, I felt that we needed to fix that very quickly- it's not one of my favorite things in the world but it's just something that you have to experience. In Allie's rush to go back to the stand we lost Andrea but we figured that she would just be back at the meeting place.
On our way back to the meeting place we walked past Teacher Stephanie (we were quite surprised, we didn't think that we would see anyone that we knew or that we would have any luck of finding Teacher Stephanie once we got there). She was trying to find her husband Bob and daughter Eliza but couldn't find them, and she had forgotten her cell phone at home so she couldn't call them. She decided to just stand where she was and wait for them. Finally about 15 minutes later I stood at the spot so she could go and use Joseph's cell phone, we found out that Bob and Eliza had gotten lost and couldn't find Stephanie so they had gone home...Stephanie said oh well but I'm staying :D
We had just gotten back to the meeting spot when Yuling's house keeper came running up to Allie to tell her that they were waiting for Jolin, Allie heard Jolin and she took off, we struggled to keep up with her. We got back behind the stage and we found Yuling and Andrea, they were standing with a bunch of other teenagers waiting to see if Jolin would come through. We stood there for over 30 minutes when they finally told us that she had already come in before the concert had even started, Allie was pretty disappointed :( but then we got to hear her sing, we were pretty close and with Allie on Yuling's or mine shoulders she could see her pretty well. (Yuling said that she feels too old for stuff like this, "I'm not a teenager" but that Allie is the only one that she would do stuff like this for).
Jolin sang 3 or 4 songs and then there was the BIGGEST/BEST firework show that I have ever seen in my life! It was probably 30+ minutes long and it just kept going and going, bigger and better. Beautiful fireworks! (After wards Yuling said "there goes our tax dollars!") Andrea and I were so impressed, of course we couldn't really hear after wards, but that's ok :D I was super happy because I got to play with my camera settings (remember FIREWORK setting!) there are definitely some good ones and some not so good ones, but I haven't had time to go through and delete the ones that aren't really worth keeping.
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Beach Concert |
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Fireworks |
Friday, February 19, 2010
New Year's Gifts
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Chinese Concert!
We loved this song, it was so catchy and it had English in it :D He was fun and brought tons of energy to the stage. His English (well his name translated is Harlem Yu)
This is another one of Harlem Yu's, I am not 100% sure if this is the slow song that he sang, but I liked it anyway.
Yuling's niece Allie was soooooooo excited to see Jolin! I am sure that I heard her name at least 50x on the way to the beach. Her name is Jolin Tsai and I guess she studied English. This song just makes me laugh, but still the music is very catchy.
Monday, February 8, 2010

This is what my desk looked like a couple of hours ago, the sad part is that I had already cleaned up some when I took this pathetic is that? I don't get how I can clean every night and by the next evening my room is already a disaster zone again...but at least I am being good and clean every night or every other night :D
Going Fishing

Saturday we were using these little fish guys to build with, when it was time for the five year olds to clean up they decided to bury me with them, Rain decided that it would be funny to shove some down my shirt (don't worry I was wearing two shirts). I told them to stop putting them down my shirt so some of the others rushed to get them all out, they patted me down and I thought for sure that we had got them all out. But Saturday night when I was getting undressed I heard clank, clank, clank, clank and I looked down to see 4 plastic fishes on the ground, I started to laugh.
Oh the adventures you have when working with preschoolers :D
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Food Adventures
Next we had to try something different for our main entree...we decided to try one of stands where you take a bowl and pick what you want and they will cook it for you, well we discovered that there are several different types of those and we went to one that did just deep fat frying. We both got some chicken and potatoes, Andrea got what ended up being fish and I got for us to split some sweet (wasn't very sweet but a little weird being deep fat fried). It was all really yummy but way too much fatty foods to eat together, when we were done Andrea and I both felt a little sick- we rushed to get some fruit and vegetables to help us feel a little healthier :D
It wasn't a bad adventure but we will be a little more prepared next time to try a different kind of booth or to just pick one item that we want to try.

The pictures dinner-potatoes and fried chicken, the green slime (yummy house of leek with pineapple I believe), and the sweet fried stuff (the lady kept on trying to tell us that it was good but we weren't going to jump at something that we couldn't even begin to identify, so finally she called a friend and told us that it was "sweet" and that was all that she told us, but we were brave and went for it :D)
I was adventurous and tried something else this past week, while Andrea was tutoring Vanessa's sister I was going to run down to the night market and get us dinner, Vanessa's Mom offered to drive me over, it was fun to have her walk around with me and explain what things were--- I tried what she called a spring roll, it was more like a soft burrito, it wasn't my favorite and it probably wont be something that I will try again, but hey I tried it once!
Chinese New Year

(This guy popped up outside what we call the "stuff store" last week sometime, lots of red decorations are coming up :D)
Chinese New Year starts next Sunday and then lasts for 2 weeks. Part of the celebration is that everyone goes home to their hometowns, as such we will only be meeting for an hour next week for church. Andrea and I have been trying to ask people what we should do but we still weren't really sure what we were going to do with a whole week off, Yuling suggested that we go to Taipei as most people aren't from there so the town would be a lot emptier than normal, we talked about it and decided that, that was what we were going to do. Yesterday we bought our train tickets, we will leave Monday afternoon and come back Thursday evening! Now just to find where we are going to stay!
First Birthday

Ryan is a 3 year old and his Mom is pregnant with twin boys, I am not sure if they knew about doing something for birthday's but I was still glad to see that Yuling made him part of it and had a birthday candle for him and that we sang to him.
Freezer Down

It turns out that for some reason the fan or something was blocked and so it wasn't defrosting correctly so the fan/engine was running too much and went kaploop! (or something like that :D), anyway the guy replaced the part and everything was back to normal (except he left about 2 gallons of dirty water spilled on the floor and didn't put EVERYTHING back in the freezer--grrr!).

It also took us a day or so to realize that he had not turned down the dial in the fridge so it was still as cold as it could go, we finally realized it was still high when we were going to have fried eggs and we went to crack it and it looked like this :( Kind of funny but I wasn't too excited about eating a frozen egg, so I completely melted in the sink---kind of fun but your hands feel gross when you are done :D
(But I guess we know that it works :D)
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Double Piering

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Sorry Baby!
And The Rose Goes To...
Shopping We Will Go
Family Photos
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February 2010
- Face of Wax
- Walking= More Fun
- Birthday Delights!
- Sliding Doors
- TP
- Hello....Paul?
- Stomach Satisfaction
- Beach Fun
- Fail?
- New Year's Gifts
- Chinese Concert!
- Embarrassment
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- Food Adventures
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- First Birthday
- Freezer Down
- Double Piering
- Sorry Baby!
- And The Rose Goes To...
- Shopping We Will Go
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