About Me

Friday, August 29, 2008

Flowers, Flowers, Everywhere

Another school week has ended! The other day I was making up a calendar thing to keep track of my tutoring and other things and realized that there is only 16 more weeks until I come home! That seems so far away but it also seems so little at the same time. I have been talking to Sallee about their trip out here and am getting more and more excited to have them come, I hope to use my next month of Saturday’s exploring so that I can have lots of awesome places to know about and that I can show them when they come. I finished talking to Sallee early last night and told her that I was going to be good and go to bed early but instead Natalie and I ended up talking for awhile outside on our porch. Her parents are coming to Taiwan sometime at the end of October and so we were just talking about things that we want to do and what we should people.

Even though I didn’t get to bed as early as I had wanted to I woke up this morning feeling very well rested. Though I woke up rested I woke up a little late as I turned my alarm off and then had fallen back to sleep for like 10 minutes, I was feeling a little rushed then, but it was ok. For my first class this morning we were talking about the opposite’s soft and hard. I went downstairs about 15 minutes before my class was supposed to start and just walked through the supplies room grabbing random things that came in both soft and hard. During the 4 year olds class was another time that I wish that I could really understand what the kids were saying, I would hold up something and ask the kids if the item was hard or soft, once they had answered whether it was hard or soft I would pass it around and let the kids feel it, anyway for every single item the kids would do something with it and say something and then every other kid would started laughing. Most of the times I do fine with the language barrier but times like this kind of make me sad as I miss half of the fun. Today in the 3 year old class we had a new boy, his name is Erik, but since we already have a Eric in the 4 year old class he will be Little Erik. It was kind of funny Teacher Stephanie was like we have to call them both just Eric as there is no difference in the tone with the letter, I was like you mean you can’t just go around yelling “Eric with a C, Erik with a K?” she thought that, that was pretty funny. Anyway I could tell when I came downstairs that we had a new person because I could hear crying and looked outside and saw this little boy running around screaming/crying being followed around by his parents, this new 3 year old has spent the last 2 year in Texas with his mom while she is studying and last week he came back to Taiwan, his mom is going back to Texas next week but he is staying here with his mom- I am kind of concerned that it will be a little harder than for most new kids as he has spent all of his time with his mom and now she is leaving completely to go back to the US.

After my morning class Teacher Stephanie asked if I would be willing to sit with the 3 year olds so that she could go and run and get her daughter Eliza from school and bring her back. I hesitantly said yes, the 3 year olds have been having a couple of hard days with listening and staying on “topic.” But I knew that she needed to go get her daughter and she assured me that it would be easy. It was, except, Josii was crying the whole time because she is not yet used to her mom leaving everyday and Jared was determined that he should put every sticker on me instead of on his paper, I don’t want to know how it happened but later in the day I found a sticker on the inside of my shirt. By the time that Teacher Stephanie was back I only had 5 minutes to run upstairs, use the bathroom and grab my stuff for me next class. I had barely run into my bedroom when I heard the bell ring so I just grabbed a couple of things off my desk top (poor guys they would pay for it later because I only had a little bit of time to grab stuff). I was a little late to class but for once the 5 year olds were sitting quietly and waiting for me. So our topic today was about money and using it to buy things. I began my class by showing the kids a $500NT bill and a $100NT bill and asking how many $100NT bills it takes to make one $500NT bill, we then also figured out how man $50NT coins, $10NT coins, $5NT coins, and $1NT coins it takes to make a $100NT bill. Once we had done all of that figuring out I laid out what I had grabbed from upstairs. Sadly because I only had like 5 seconds to grab something I had grabbed my box of necklaces and bracelets (this is why I felt bad for the guys), once I had laid them out each person got to take turns and come up and pick something that they wanted to “buy,” they then showed it to the rest of the class and the class decided how much the items should cost. I was quite sad to see many of my things selling for like $23-30NT (remember that $50NT is about $1.50 so not even that), when I paid much, much more than that…Mom you will be glad to hear that (or maybe not :D) the necklace that you made me for Libbey’s wedding with the crystal sold for $27NT- I kept on trying to get them to pay more for it but they thought that the lower was better (I think that we finally got like 2 items over $100NT). Anyway after they had determined the cost for their item they used plastic money to pay for their item (a good chance to practice their counting and money skills :D). For the 3 year olds we just counted how many of each money coin that I was holding in my hand (I was too afraid to get my real money out).

Today Wendy was gone and so I was missing my lunch buddy. It is ok, there are many other kidlets that I can sit beside. I decided to sit by Sam and May, I found out it was a good thing that I sat beside May as supposedly today was her last day, next week she will go back to normal school. Lunch was a little interesting, it was a rice soup thingy with potatoes, port, carrots, tofu, and eggs on top-the eggs kind of made me not feel so good, they were a little interesting tasting, a little slimy almost like they weren’t all the way cooked. When I was finished with lunch I went straight upstairs and laid down for an hour nap. Natalie had a tutor student during our lunch and I heard her at the very beginning but was out and didn’t wake up until my alarm went off. I got up and made a quick PowerPoint about florists (as that is was we were learning about today) and then went downstairs to cut paper into squares. I walked into class with all of my stuff and hooked in my computer, we went through our beginning song and then I turned on the TV and…nothing happened. I called Teacher Stephanie over and asked her to look at it, I guess something happened to the prongs on the thingy that we use to hook into my computer and so I lost my PowerPoint. Luckily I had asked Yuling to by me some flowers for today’s lesson and I was already planning on making a bouquet to show kids what florists do. After we had made the flower bouquet the kids got to make a paper bouquet, well not much of one as they only got two flowers. It was a good thing that I didn’t have the PowerPoint as making the flowers took a lot longer than I had anticipated. It was kind of funny, during my 2nd class Rennie kept on coming up to me to get the stems for her flowers and I would tell her that she needed to go to the back of the line, she would say yes and then continue standing there, Teacher Michelle would tell her to go the back of the line in Chinese, she would go there for a little bit and then pretty soon she would be back standing beside me and saying “Rennie” and then we would start over again.

When I was done with class I walked back to the office to return the stuff that I had used for class. When I walked into the office Yuling told me that I got to keep the flowers, so the pretty roses and other flowers are sitting on my table inside the kitchen! (I love flowers and I was so very happy that Yuling let me keep them- I haven’t seen very many flowers around here). I was talking with Yuling for awhile but then I needed to go upstairs to plug my laptop in so I left to do that. Natalie and I had a couple of questions to ask Yuling so once I had plugged in my computer I ran back downstairs to ask Yuling the questions, right when I walked in the door Yuling asked me if I would be willing to hold so that she could do some things really quick (no need to ask me twice!). Yuling had been talking to me about how dominoes pizza will deliver and they offer a special deal to our school of buy one-get one free. It sounded pretty tempting and I figured that it would last all weekend for me. While I was holding Daniel he was almost asleep and then Yuling took him, the other day I was also holding him and he fell asleep in my arms, it kind of freaked me out because right as he is falling asleep his eyes are always open but the his eyeballs roll into the back of his head- I thought that he was having a seizure or something but then he acted just like he was sleeping. I saw him do it again tonight and it is just weird but thankfully I am getting a little used to it.

Tonight Natalie is staying at the Chou’s house, I was invited but wanted to stay and get my journal done and hopefully go to bed earlier than normal. We are all pretty excited as tomorrow morning we are going to what is called Ocean Park and are going to spend the whole day there, it is supposed to be a water park, amusement park, sea world, and other stuff all mixed into one. We don’t know what to really expect but expect many pictures either tomorrow night or Sunday night. I am all caught up for tonight, I think that I am going to call mom and then head to bed. Loves to all! ~Betherd~

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