My super cute water bottle that I bought, remember that her name is Zoe.

When we got to the park we realized that I did not have a hat and that it might be a good thing to have, so I went into one of the stores and bought this- I think that it is super cute, it was something that is a tourist thing but it will be something that I will re-use again I am sure.

This is just one shot of the lobby of the hotel, gorgeous don't you think?

Another shot of the lobby, I love the random guy sleeping on the chair.

So in fancy hotels you can't just have a fire extinguisher box, oh no you must have it in a fancy pretty box.

One of the random palm trees in the lobby.

The roof of the lobby/hotel isn't it gorgeous?

One of the sidings in the hotel, I liked that it was flowers.

Just a pretty arrangement that they had.

The entrance into the hotel lobby--that red chair thing was so comfy, you just sunk into it.

Another view of the sofas in the lobby.

Some of the workers that were leaving the park as I was waiting for Natalie and Grace.

Natalie and Grace in the lobby of the hotel standing in front of the fountain.

There were paintings all the way around the lobby ceiling.

Right below the Ferris wheel

It kind of made me laugh that they called it the love wheel instead of the Ferris wheel.

Grace and I on the Ferris wheel (it was a weird box thing that you sat inside)

Natalie and I on the Ferris wheel (it kind of freaked me out, I had to switch sides in order to take this picture)

Natalie and I in front of all the Ocean Park characters at the entrance/exit

Grace and I in front of some pretty man-made waterfalls in the park.

One of my many blurry dolphin photos.

Another attempt.

The very end when the dolphins and their trainers were bowing before their exit.

A distant view of the Ferris wheel.

The next several pictures are of the postcards of the show.

This one kind of made me laugh- this is how they had the shoes on display in one of the stores.

Natalie, Grace and I on the sky ride (you can see the castle in the background)

See those animals in the center? I thought that, that they were like our animal ride things that we have at home, but nope when you put money in them they actually move and walk across the lobby area.

Natalie riding backwards on the water ride thing.

The different views of the paper castle

This is the view that I had outside of my window on the Crazy Submarine

The beach ball ride.

Natalie and Grace on the sailboat Ferris wheel ride

Natalie and Grace on the bumper boats

One part of the castle.

Natalie and Grace eating up their lunch.

The bag that my lunch came in, now isn't he just the cutest?

One of the many shots that I took of the ocean during the day.

I think that, that is probably one of my favorites.

The merry go round, sadly we did not ride it.

Me pointing to where we are.

Natalie and Grace looking at the fish.

This is what lobsters see if you were ever interested. I wish that I had the power of a lobster to make one thing become many :D

The exit from the aquarium, it looks like you are going up to the black hole of the unknown.

Another view that I had from the sky ride.
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