Wahoo!!! I am finally done and have all the pictures uploaded from this past weekend, again it is kind of in no order and I did slim down how many I posted. I hope that you enjoy!

My first bunch of mail that I will be sending out from Taiwan!!! (isn't is beautiful? :D)

I was sitting on the coach last night typing away on my computer when I looked up at the window and saw this little guy (luckily on the outside) and thought that I just had to take a picture, he stayed there for the longest time too, even after I hit the screen several times and he fell down- he just kept on coming back.

This is the bag that came from Bountiful Living, I still mean to go and check out the website.

My goods that I bought from Distribution!

The t-shirt, it means CTR

This one is mostly for mom, it was inside the shopping part of Taipei 101.

So we didn't really get to go inside Taipei 101 but I did take this picture from outside and I thought that it was really cool looking.

While we were waiting for the bus Saturday night I saw this lamppost and thought that the lamp part was really cool looking (I am only posting one but I believe that there are like 5 others that I took of it :D-starting to be more and more like the family every day)

We were not allowed to take our cameras out while we were in the museum so I had to take a picture of my postcards that I bought. These two pictures are the ones that Millet is most famous for I guess.

Natalie and Grace with Bunny, Bunny Foo Foo

It was love at first sight!

My new friend the bunny, he didn't want me to leave without a kiss.

Me (rather confused) in front of the statue of liberty and underneath the Eiffel tower.

Natalie and Grace about to dive into their "huge" dessert

A top view of Natalie and Grace's "dessert"

A top view of my dessert!

My yummy dessert (look at all of those good mangos!)

Me eating my delicious dessert!

Natalie and Grace on the subway.

Grace and I on the subway.

Our table of food/deliciousness!

Natalie and Grace eating their dinner, they decided to get two different things and share with each other so they were on the same side of the table (they told me try anything that I wanted to, but it didn't sound too yummy)

This is Grace's and Natalie's "dessert" I took a couple of bites of theirs but it was nothing compared to the yumminess that was mine (yeah I totally just made up a word and I don't care :D)

Just a segment of the people waiting in the rain to go inside the museum.

Just a random picture that I took while waiting in line for the museum, I thought that it came out really cool though.

This was hanging on almost every post (like every 3 feet) outside the museum.

One of the signs outside for the Millet display.

When we left the museum and were headed towards the subway we walked over this special walkway that went over the streets, I took a couple of pictures and thought that it turned out pretty cool.

The government building from a bit of a distance.

The government building (isn't it beautiful?)

Natalie and I, if you look far into the distance in the middle of our heads you can see Taipei 101.

This tree was in front of the government building (there many others that surrounded it), it reminded me so much of Doctor Suess that I just had to take a picture.

Natalie and Grace standing in the rain waiting to get into the museum.
These 3 pictures are of the Temple, I couldn't get far enough back to get the whole Temple in one picture and so it comes in many different pieces. 

I just thought that this was funny, as I was walking out of the Bountiful Living I noticed that they had Creative Memories punches in the store and then I walked out and saw this sign, I don't know what the rest of it says but I do know that it says something about Stampin' Up and Creative Memories (both American scrap booking companies for those that don't know)

Our lunch from Saturday afternoon (notice the yummy tortilla things on the right side)

Me standing in front of the fountain drink machine, I don't know if you can see it but the sprite is in Chinese.

My subway napkin, I just had to document everything from there :D

The cane juice that I got to try, it looks pretty harmless there but you take a drink and you are like "WOW" sweet!

The stake building (that houses the visitors center, distribution center, and ward offices)

One of my many pictures that I took of the Temple, it really was a beautiful Temple (though I don't really think that it can be a Temple without being beautiful)

Natalie and Grace battling it out during one of the card games, this particular game took forever!

Susan, our new friend that we made on the way to Taipei on the train.

Natalie, me, Susan (our new friend), and Grace being cool towards the end of our train ride on the way to Taipei.

Natalie hanging out in front of the subway counter, she was really excited to be there.
The cool subway sign that looked so normal except for the little bit of Chinese.
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