So I have been promising for awhile now that I would put up some pictures of the kids that I have worked with, and up until now I really haven't had too many pictures of the kids, I still do not have all the kids but I can at least start and then update as I get more. (There are more pictures to be uploaded but the internet is being stupid so this is all that will be put up tonight)

This is Allie, Yuling's niece that lives with her. She comes to school right now for the summer program, but she is actually older than 5.

Jimmy, one of the cutest 4 year olds ever! He is really smart and is often ahead of the rest of the class. He is also a member of the branch that I go to, his dad is the 2nd counselor in the branch presidency.

Ray, a 5 year old that is a bit mischievous (ok what 5 year old is not). He is really cute but sometimes I feel like strangling him as he loves to talk and play with the other boys, I have begun having to have the 5 year olds sit boy, girl, boy, girl.

Little Annie, this poor 3 year old, just 2 weeks ago she used to be regular Annie, but last week a new girl came and her name is also Annie, because our original Annie is younger she gets the privilege of being called Little Annie.

Charlie, my cute 5 year old admirer, he colors things exactly the same way that I do and today he told me that my coloring was pretty!

I guess that this is Christy, the only time that I have ever seen her was my first day here, when I sat in on Brooke's class.

Jared, if only this picture wasn't so misleading about this 3 year old. He is not as calm and quite as this picture leads to be. I love him to death, he is really cute, but he is also quite loud very active.

Little Alice, 4 year old showing.

Wendy, my favorite 4 year old. She is my lunch buddy, this picture doesn't even begin to do her cuteness justice.

Buzz, a 5 year old. Last week it was so cute, I was sitting in the office and he came in to wait for his mom to pick him up, the TV was going but I wasn't really paying attention but he started explaining to me what was going on so that I wouldn't be lost. I thought that, that was really sweet of him.

Leo!! A really cute 3 year old. My 1st week he was crying the whole time but now he always greets me with a big smile and is happy to be in class. It is actually kind of funny, now when we have new people and they are crying he kind of laughs at them because they are crying.

Ariel, she is sooo cute. I absotely love her, she is always such a big help in the 5 year old class. It is also fun as I get to see her all week, she is a member of the branch- her mom is the Relief Society president and her dad is the 2nd couselor in the Branch Presidency.

Little Little Alice. A very cute, but quite 4 year old. I have yet to meet the original Alice.

Rose, she is a cute 5 year old. Also the sister of Sam.
Ok, so I have to apologize-- I used the words cute and adorable a lot, but if you worked with these kids you would totally understand.
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