So last weekend we went downtown to explore the markets and stores down there (sadly I wasn't super good at taking pictures). When we left it was a beautiful sunshiny day, but 3 hours later when we were starting to head home it changed on us and turned dark and rainy--smart me I had worn capri's and a short sleeve shirt (with no jacket or sweatshirt) and got very wet very quickly. We passed a 7-Eleven (I know surprise surprise) and I decided to dash inside and see if they had umbrellas or a poncho that I could buy for super cheap. The first one I saw was a white umbrella with black polka-dots, I was hooked, I LOVE POLKA-DOTS!!! I purchased it and we left, we started to talk about how we could do a super cute photoshoot with it. Andrea had a jacket but she was pretty wet by this time, so when we passed the next 7-Eleven Andrea ran inside, we were hoping that maybe they would have a black one with white polka-dots but they didn't so she bought the same one. We love our polka-dot umbrellas and have decided together that it was a very wise purchase and that they have already been worth the $100 (about $3 USD) that we paid.
Anyway back to the photoshoot idea, tonight we did it! And here is the result...
*Sad Day: Last night it was really windy and my umbrella got whipped up and ripped, so I had to throw it away :( I hope to get to 7-Eleven again soon so that I can buy another one, I have learned my lesson though, these particular umbrellas are not meant for high winds!
Beth, you are so cute! I'm loving hearing about all of your adventures!