About Me

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Funny Gift

As Christmas was drawing closer I had to start thinking about how I was going to get certain gifts to people. I realized that Erin and J.J. were going to be driving back to Utah and that they might be able to take back a couple of things for me, I sent a text to Erin asking her if they might be able to take a couple of things back for me. She responded that they would be able to as long as it wasn't too big. I thought, perfect I'm covered and began to finish getting these gifts together. It wasn't too long before I got another text from Erin saying that she had told J.J. about my request and her response, he said that yes it was ok as long as it wasn't too big and that it couldn't be a goat.

So the Saturday after Christmas I met up with Erin and J.J. in Portland and I handed J.J. this nice little bag with a picture of hundreds of sheep, with the tagline "...At least it's not a goat :D" I thought that I was pretty funny and I followed J.J.'s specifications perfectly :D

1 comment:

  1. But I wanted a goat for Christmas!!! Isn't that what you got me?? ;)
